The medicine wheel consisted out of four directions the north, south, east and west.

Because of this, red bird totem is considered to be one of the most powerful bird totems in the world.The Red bird or cardinal is a bird native to the North American continent. You are almost always the initiator of all events and people love coming to you for advice.When your spirit animal is the red bird you are a person who always knows where you stand. When we read spirit animal characteristics, it is not hard to spot the resemblance we share with certain animals.As a spiritual animal, the red bird has a very important and valuable symbolism.

Red color is the ultimate symbol for passion, for fiery, burning love and deep emotions.This color also represents courage and energy. Birds’ symbolism varies greatly, depending on particular species.Their color, behavior, sounds they produce, places they live all influence cultural depiction and spiritual interpretation of birds. Animal Symbolism—Cardinal Posted at 18:30h in Animal Symbolism by Shelley Shayner 30 Comments A red cardinal is a glorious sight to behold , especially against the backdrop of newly fallen snow, so it was a shock to find this beautiful bird on the kitchen floor of …

This beautiful bird feeds on insects and plants and it is forbidden to hold this precious bird in a cage in your home.Now that we learned more about the cardinal, we will look deeper into its symbolism and what it represents to the natives of North America.
Strike a balance between work and play, and take time to be with your loved ones.When you have the energies of the cardinal spirit animal, you are energetic about life and love. Cardinal totem will give you motivation, inspiration and strength to move forward in your life.Since the bird is believed to be a lucky animal, cardinal totem will surely bring you joy and fortune.Superstitions about cardinals tell about their lucky symbolical nature. You aren’t aware of the details that could be important and that might cause you to fail in something you have been working on.If you saw a dead red bird in your dream, then your enemies are plotting something against you.

Grab those that you know will make your dreams come true, and don’t stress about the ones that are not meant for you. This is why you are most likely to succeed in almost anything you do.The Red bird totem and spirit animal make you a leader but also a graceful person. Let your passion lead you through life and let yourself be guided by the powers of the divine.Oops!

Native Americans believe cardinals announce or predict lucky events.Since these birds usually lay about twelve eggs and they stay at the same place for all twelve months of the year, according to Native American folklore, if you see a cardinal, something good will happen to you in next twelve days. The mighty Phoenix, for example, then Hugin and Munin, Nordic god Odin’s eyes and ears.Overall, birds have been present in our lives all throughout human history, not only as animals sharing the same habitat with us, but also as symbolically powerful creatures, totem and spirit animals.

But, if you break their heart, they won’t be gentle in their revenge. You create strong bonds easily, and you are very happy at home with family or loved ones.You are graceful and soft, and you stand out anywhere because of your uniqueness and striking personality.

However, this type of pride is This August bird is always available if we allow it to float into our consciousness.
Problems and fights are about to enter your love life and overall the red bird symbol brought nothing but bad luck. It gives you hope and desire to become a better person. There is something you have forgotten about that made you feel fulfilled and satisfied in life.When this bird is your spirit animal or totem, you can be certain of your success. Meaning of Cardinal Spirit Animal.

They never go back to their old partners and walk over their words.Even though they might seem a little bit full of themselves, they are actually very kind and generous when you get to know them. Your ability to successfully lead others to success makes you a very suitable candidate for jobs like executive and manager positions, CEO and businessman career options. Cardinal Totem, Spirit Animal.

Listen to your inner voice to know what’s good for you.The cardinal is a monogamous bird whose relationship with its mate is romantic, harmonious, and musical.They make lovely music together, and this is also something that you should strive to have in your own relationships.Strive to be loyal and faithful, and live each day together in love and respect. The cardinal is serving as the hinge on the doorway between Earth and Spirit, delivering messages back and forth.

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