It also means that He hates the ill-treatment and oppression of people and of nature, which He has created. As we look at these Scriptures, we'll also be shown why our hearts should be prompted to praise God and express thankfulness for the ways in which He has expressed these attributes toward us. Truthfully, as we'll demonstrate in a few moments, God's justice, love and mercy go hand in hand. This is why we should never minimize or make like of this attribute. Trips to meets tended to be lengthy and we would often have plenty of time to talk during the drive. He actively looks out for our well-being, and He wants us to reflect His sacrificial love toward one another in how we think of each other and treat each other.The Apostle John directly stated that "God is love." He also made it clear that when we practice sacrificial, unconditional love toward others, we display that God lives within us and furthermore we are finding true life and the power to love through Him.Since God is the perfection of love, it shouldn't surprise us that He would also supply the ultimate example of love for us to observe, experience, and learn from. The love of Christ is displayed every time we speak the truth to each other, meet each others' needs, and carve out time for one other. Still, most often, we tend to be more thankful for God's justice when it's applied to someone else than we are when it's applied to us.How often during the course of your life have you asked God to correct or discipline you? Let these attributes be reflected in your life. When God condemns someone who has rejected Him to an eternity apart from His blessings, He is displaying His justice. When Scripture describes God as being the perfection of love, it reveals to us through various examples that God, in His love, seeks what is best for us even at great personal cost to Himself. When we consider the attributes of God, it's very likely that we favor some over others, at least in their application toward us. God fully demonstrates His mercy in Jesus Christ. God “made Him who knew no sin”—which can only be a reference to Jesus Christ—“to be sin on our behalf.” As we’ve already seen, Scripture testifies over and over to …

Showing mercy involves granting pardon or showing compassion to an offending party. During one particular trip, in the midst of conversation with our coach, the coach said to me, "John, you have a strong desire for justice. He is patient with us. Darby Bible Translation When we downgrade His mercy, we forget what He's done for us and we develop a smug, self-righteous attitude that forgets we were once objects of His wrath. Most people would tend to agree that there are both good and bad consequences to our actions. Douay-Rheims Bible The Lord is merciful and just, and our God sheweth mercy. For example, we're probably grateful that God is loving and that He actively shows us His love in many ways. In Romans 5 we're told, Now, as recipients of God's love, we're called to sacrificially love one another in active and tangible ways that put hands and feet to our words and affections. So the Bible showcases the fact that God is merciful, but it also reveals that He is just and will one day dispense justice on the sin of the world. The God who is just … But he is generous and compassionate to those who need it most. This means that He is fair and impartial. Answer: God being merciful basically means that, when we deserve punishment, He doesn’t punish us, and in fact blesses us instead. How can Christian theologians say that God is both just
and merciful? Given those definitions, a person could not be merciful without being unjust or be just without being unmerciful. Again, I believe that this desire within us is an internal testimony that should help convince our hearts that we were created by a just God who enforces justice among us.God revealed this attribute of His nature to the very first human He created. The God revealed in Jesus’ life and teaching is both merciful and just. This is perfectly fair and just, and we have no right to complain about this mess because we're culpable for it just as Adam was since we were "in" Adam when he sinned. Isn't it amazing to consider that we would ever struggle to show mercy once we've come to experience the great mercy of God? As recipients of His divine mercy, we should joyfully dispense His mercy as we interact with those He has placed in our lives.God's justice, love, and mercy work hand in hand to reveal more to us about His nature while guaranteeing we will be part of His kingdom and family for all time. In In practical terms, how is this lived out? It might seem like justice and mercy are at odds with each other, but both work together in God’s plan.All will be resurrected and judged according to their works and desires (see God has given us laws, and He obeys them perfectly (see We are not compelled to repent, but we will face the consequences of our deeds if we do not repent (see God grants us repentance and forgiveness through Jesus Christ and His Atonement (see We can choose to come unto Christ to be redeemed (see Jesus Christ “atoneth for the sins of the world, to bring about the plan of mercy, to appease the demands of justice, that God might be a perfect, just God, and a merciful God also” (Why are justice and mercy both necessary in God’s eternal plan of happiness?How have you experienced the mercy of Jesus Christ in your life?Abner Garcia and Midalys Soto—Arecibo, Puerto RicoHow, When, and Why: Talking to Your Children about SexualityCome, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and ActivitiesWhat Church Leaders Have Said about Aging FaithfullyHow I Learned to Understand God’s View of SexualityLiving the Law of Chastity in a Dating World Full of Gray AreasBridling Your Passions: How to Align Sexual Thoughts and Feelings with the Lord’s ExpectationsConversations about Intimacy and Sex That Can Prepare You for MarriageMy Experience Living the Law of Chastity with Same-Sex AttractionHow the Savior’s Healing Power Applies to Repenting from Sexual SinThe World’s Way vs. the Lord’s Way: What the Media Gets Wrong about Sexual IntimacyInsights from Young Adults on the Blessings of Living the Law of Chastity

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