Once the three make it out of the catacombs, Nate is drugged by Talbot, and he runs off.

Elena arrives with the jeep and saves Nate, before chasing after the train. She appears as a major character and central ally in Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, and a major supporting character in Drake's Deception and A Thief's End. The biggest technical challenge with Elena was to establish her skin tone and the specularity of her hair in contrast with the other characters. The video ends as they flee into the jungle. Rose commented that Elena matured between the first game and the sequel: "In the first game, she's a lot younger, she's a lot more naive, and she looks at things as being very possible, and in the second (game), has seen murders and adventure...the way that any person grows, you see that in her. After defeating Navarro, Nate pulled Elena out of the wreckage, though as Navarro regained consciousness, Elena warned him, allowing Nate to save them both by finishing off Navarro for good. Nate tells Elena to stay with the children and to keep them safe while he and Tenzin fight Lazarević's forces. In order to dodge the city's guards, the trio climbs up to the rooftops. Elena brings the jeep side-by-side with the speeding train while Nate hops aboard at the last second. Elena isn't seen again until Nate returns from the rescue mission. Once inside Shambhala, Lazarević prepares to execute all three, though the Upon finding it, Nate quickly realizes that the Cintamani Stone isn't actually a gemstone, but the sap from the tree of life. Nate and Sully discover that Sir Francis Drake had made a stop in Yemen on his quest to find the Elena takes Nate and Sully on a walking tour through Yemen, with the Old Quarter as their final stop. Elena is the only character from the games to appear in Elena appears in the two-episode motion comic adaptation of the prologue of Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.An image on this page has quality issues that need to be rectified.

She'll banter and make jokes with him, which helps Nate get through his problems. The clip was uploaded to YouTube on the 7th of November 2007, nine days before the release of Most of the video features Elena trekking through the jungle, with guides to help her. Nate becomes a better person in her presence, acting more chivalrous and heroic, an example being Nate risking his life to save Jeff, a man he barely knew. Nate's plan suggests she steal a nearby jeep to use as a getaway car while he sneaks onto the train to grab Chloe. A few years later, Elena Fisher has become an international news correspondent and has been stationed in Yemen for some time. Cassie Drake is a character in the Uncharted series, appearing as a minor playable character in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Naughty Dog commented that they tried to make Elena look like the 'Girl-Next-Door' look, to give her that pretty, but not overly glamorous image, ready for any sort of danger she should face and they built up her original renders on this idea.Reception to the character of Elena Fisher has been mainly positive. Lazarević and his troops exit the room and order Flynn to execute Nate and Elena. Nate and Chloe return and save Elena and Jeff from the soldiers, though Jeff is hit. She is voiced and motion captured by Kaitlyn Dever. Nate then chooses to lie to Elena, while he secretly continues his hunt for Henry Avery's treasure. Once they reach safety, Nate decides to go and rescue Chloe, and Elena agrees to help. Nate apologizes for his actions as he rests. After coming in second on a popular survival reality show, Elena parlayed her fifteen minutes of fame into hosting a cable adventure/archaeology show, Back on shore, Elena contacted her executives, requesting a camera crew so that they could continue to film the story. 13-15 years after the events of Lead character artist Sze Jones said: "Elena has gone through a lot of emotional and physical challenges on her adventures with Nathan Drake. While Sullivan follows Chloe, Nate and Elena finally kiss as they wonder what will happen next following their adventure. While in the catacombs, the three discover a hidden chamber with messages written on the walls, warning about the dangers of Iram and the desert. Nate deduces that these messages were written by Sir Francis Drake, as they're in English.

Nate escapes his captors and returns to Elena who is overjoyed to see him, believing him to be dead. Elena Fisher is a journalist, originally out to make a name for herself through documentary work, then later news broadcasting. The two of them head to a train depot and scout the perimeter. In the fourth game she wears several casual shirts owing to her home life but reverts to wearing a purple tank-top similar to the first game whilst in the jungle. She appears to be one of the only rivals to Nate's intelligence, mastering several languages, including Tibetan and Arabic, and working out puzzles with him, instead of relying on him like his other friends.

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